The Rising of the Moon

An ongoing synopsis of politics, government and public policy. Those dreary boring things that effect the lives of each and every one of us.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

CNN Picks up story of Minnesota Bigotry

CNN now picks up the story of how 6 imams were ejected from a US Airways flight at MSP airport simply for being Muslim. The story has a few more details, especially the one about how it was a note from one passenger that got them six pulled from the plane.

Note: the video links do not work. I can't tell if they are just bad or were scrubbed. But none work, so it makes me believe they were pulled because they made a case prejudicial against US Airways, big money and power in advertising.

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Tuesday, November 21, 2006

More on Minnesota/US Airways bigotry

Minnesota Monitor has a more complete story on the imams handcuffed and taken off a US Airways plane to Phoenix last night at MSP.

It appears that they said their prayers in the terminal before boarding, and not on the plane as has been repeated. And it also appears that the whole incident came about because some anonymous passenger "complained" to a flight attendant. None of this explains the airline's actions in denying the men tickets home today.

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More on the voting machine fraud in Florida's 13th

A voter lawsuit was filed today in Florida's 13th Congressional district where 18,000 missing votes in the race for the US House clearly indicate a breakdown in either the electronic voting machines or the electoral system.

As noted below, the missing 18,000 votes are the "under vote," supposedly those people who opted out of voting for either candidate. However, this number of votes represent some 13% of the total vote which is five times the normal number of under votes. The tally of paper absentee votes tracked with the normal under voting averages of two percent.

Today's lawsuit by four non-partisan voter action groups, Voter Action, Electronic Frontier Foundation, ACLU and People for the American Way (Florida), seeks a full investigation and new election in this district once represented by Republican Congresswoman Katerine Harris.

Currently Democrat Christine Jennings trails Republican Vern Buchanan by 363 votes. During the counting Jennings showed particularly strongly in the areas around Sarasota where the under voting is most evident.

Read More on the case at

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Republican Dirty Tricks: It's official!

Via RawStory an item on Salon listing the top GOP dirty tricks of the 2006 election cycle. These go beyond the typical repeated lies and disinformation passed out in mailers sent out by shadowy PACs, and the outlandish TV and radio ads. My favorites were the twisted robocalls that pretend to favor one candidate but actually smear them, and when you hung up on the call the computer kept calling you back. Then others liked the gun-toting video camera wielding nutjobs in Arizon who intimidated Hispanic voters with phony badges and threats.
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Be Proud Minnesota

Yesterday, Monday, six Muslim imams were forcibly removed from a flight from Minneapolis to Phoenix, and questioned from hours. A unnamed passenger "raised concerns" about the group and complained to a flight attendant. Police and airport security then asked the men to leave the plane and they refused. The group was then taken off the plane in handcuffs. Three of the imams stood and performed evening prayers on the plane.

So much for "tolerance." It says a lot of about white bread America's understanding of Islam and prayer.

Bigotry, hatred and fear: a winning strategy for the right-wing.
MSNBC via RawStory
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"A key Islamic rights group is demanding an immediate inquiry after six Muslim imams were removed from a US flight."

Now US Airways has refused a ticket to one of the Imams they yanked off one of their planes yesterday. Of course the imam had done nothing but pray and that was found offensive to other passengers. But the fact that the imams had found to have done nothing wrong (big 'duh' there) means nothing to the bigots and haters at US Airways. Now they won't let one of the same imams rebook his ticket to get home. Why? Because he was involved in a "security incident." Read more, it really stinks. Oh, and welcome to George Bush's America where bigotry, hatred and fear abound.
via AmericaBlog
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